Bibliographic notes to print out.

Books with, and

A) The Gospel Confronting World Disorder, Michel Schooyans,

B) Crossing the Threshold of Hope, John-Paul II, Random House UK

-"It is a civilization that constantly equips itself with power structures and structures of oppression, both political and cultural (especially through the media), in order to impose similar mistakes and abuses on all humanity." (pages 132-133)

-"Is contemporary man truly moved by a filial fear of God, a fear that is first of all love? One might think -and there is no lack of evidence to this effect- that Hegel’s paradigm of the master and the servant is more present in people’s consciousness today than is wisdom, whose origin lies in the filial fear of God…" (p.226)

- It is John-Paul II who has worked the most for young people.

C) Love & Family, Mercedes Arzú Wilson,

-This book is a classic, easy to read and a page-turner. Billions of people need teaching on NFP. Merci Madame Wilson!

D) Physicians Healed, edited by Cleta Hartman,

E), Richard Wetzel M.D.

F) Vade-mecum for confessors concerning some aspects of the morality of conjugal life, Pontifical Council for the Family,

G) Pro-Life Today, the struggle continues, Helen Alvaré,


H) Covenant of Love, Pastoral reflections on marriage, John Cardinal O'Connor,

-Why not include this kind of book in different school courses: social science, biology, philosophy, psychology,…, religion?

I) Family, Marriage and "De facto Unions",

J) Real Love, Mary Beth Bonacci answers your questions on dating, marriage...,,

K) The courage to be chaste, Benedict J. Groeschel,

1) Totalitarian Trend of Liberalism, Michel Schooyans,

2) Demographic Crash , Michel Schooyans,,
- Demographic crisis around 2011. Facing the Population Bust. Global Baby Bust. Aging Population...

3) La face cachée de l'O.N.U., Michel Schooyans, ...

4) A Consumer's Guide to the Pill and other Drugs, John Wilks B.Pharm. M.P.S.,

-Foreword by Bernard N. Nathanson M.D., P.C.

-The chinese government is committing a real genocide on his population – mostly on girls – through infanticide and abortion. Please protest to the chinese and your governments and on your web sites. Thanks!


5) The case for marriage, Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher, Doubleday, 2000

6) The Bible speaks about marriage, Ecclesiastes (Le Siracide), Proverbs…


7) Une femme blessée, le traumatisme de l'avortement, Susan M. Stanford, Fayard

8) Du travail et de l'amour; les dessous de la production domestique, Louise Vandelac, Diane Bélisle, Anne Gauthier, Yolande Pinard, Éditions Saint-Martin

-parental work has no economic recognition ; but even thecost to manufacture armes for wars (800 billion $US per year) is included in the GDP... Why not give an economic value (in terms of the GDP) to parental work? It would definitely be better than blowing up the planet. This economic recognition would create jobs and be an excellent way to distribute wealth more equally to all people. (

-For a better housing policy that could also reduce the spreading out of cities and would better use the already existing space available. 5 ½, 6 ½ or more rooms apartments, better soundproofing, with basements for garages. Buildings of 3 to 6 floors. Public transportation would also be more popular.

-Eliminate income taxes for a work income of less than 15000$

9) Stop globalisation think, Paul Hellyer, Chimo Media
- How come that hundreds of million people do not have drinking water. Is that solidarity? No wonder that a lot of these countries are at war all the time. And often these wars get financed by loans that have to be paid back with money they do not have. No essential health care respectful of the human person like vaccination to procure immunity from disease... The cost of drinking water and basic health care for everybody would be only 30 billion $US per year ? Wouldn’t that create peace and stability ? But the rich countries are responsible for the poor ones...
- The bottom line and merger mania mentality by companies will go on forever. Only stock value and rising profits matter. It has nothing to do with values. Even if it creates poverty and unemployment for a lot of people. The shareholders count the most. And there seems to be no other solution. How can we brake the cycle: no work, no money, no food, no development? What comes first, money or development? Democratic deficit, corruption, debt, poverty, aids... No embargoes to punish civilian populations unjustly.

10) Populorum Progressio, Paul VI, 1967
"Development, the new name for peace."

11) La contraception et l'Eglise, bilan et prospective, Michel Séguin,

12) Becoming human, Jean Vanier, Paulist Press

13) Les frères Karamazov, Féodor Dostoievski, Folio, Gallimard

14) L'Art d'Aimer, Erich Fromm, Desclée de Brouwer

15) Le harcèlement moral, la violence perverse au quotidien, Marie-France Hirigoyen, Syros

16) Men, Women and Relationships, John Gray, Harper Collins

17) La souffrance, Chiara Lubich, Nouvelle Cité

18) How one of you can bring the two of you together, Susan Page, Broadway Books

19) La dynamique de l'intimité, Yves Bégin, Cerf foi vivante

20) Maternité sans frontières, Jérôme Lejeune et Geneviève Pouliot, V.A.L. Ed., Paris

21) Faire sa vie à deux, la construction de l'Amour, 20-30 ans, 38 situations, Henri et Christine Joyeux, Ecologie humaine, F.-X. Guibert (O.E.I.L.) Paris

22) Communiquer en famille, Marie-Madeleine Martinie, Le Sarment Fayard

23) Pourquoi Dieu nous fait-il souffrir?, Peter Kreeft, Éditions Paulines

24) Vivre debout. Comment faire face dans un monde en crise, Martin Gray, Robert Laffont

25) Vérité et signification de la sexualité humaine, l'éducation sexuelle des enfants, Conseil pontifical de la famille, Médiaspaul, see #I)

26) Vivez pleinement votre vie, Norman-Vincent Peale, Presses de la Cité

- the founder of "self-help" psychology

27) Le sourire de l'ange, Jeanne Bourin, Julliard/Desclée de Brouwer

28) Joie de croire, joie de vivre, François Varillon, Bayard Centurion, 22iè édition,

(for english version see #35)

29), America’s leading news from a Catholic perspective. Zenit news

30) Contrôlez vos émotions, N. Irala, Editions Paulines

31) Amour et Fécondité, René et Marie Sentis, Le Sarment Fayard

32) Marriage takes more than love, Jack & Carole Mayhall, Navpress

33) Il n'y a pas de plus grand amour, Mère Teresa, Pocket

34) The secret of staying in love, John Powell, Thomas More

35) Silence,parole de vie, Maurice Zundel, Anne Sigier, (english version

36) De la souffrance à la paix, vers une libération intérieure, Ignace Larranaga, see #35

37) Apprivoiser son ombre, le côté mal aimé de soi, Jean Monbourquette, Novalis

38) L'art de vivre sa fertilité, Méthode sympto-thermique de régulation naturelle des naissances, Joseph Rötzer, médecin, Editions Nouvelle Cité

39) Que faisons-nous ensemble? L'aventure conjugale à l'épreuve du quotidien., Odette Rioux, Michel-Louis Pelletier, Fides éditeur, 1999

40) La chute, Albert Camus, Folio, Gallimard

41) Célibataires: Osez le mariage!, Pascal Ide, Saint-Paul

42) Découvrir un sens à sa vie avec la logothérapie, Viktor E. Frankl, Éditions de l'Homme


43) The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Ministry of Information, Government of India


44) Wisdom for All Times: Mahatma Gandhi and Pope Paul VI on Birth Regulation, Family Life Centre, Archbishop's House, Pondicherry 605001 India, June 1978

45) Catholic Aid Directory, Pontifical Council "Cor Unum",

"Respect the right to life of human beings from fertilization to natural death."

"Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery", 21 suggestions for success by H. Jackson Brown Jr.

- www.please-recycle. Let’s eliminate toxic gases and waste.

- Yes to solar energy, geothermal energy…